Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
Computers & Chemical Engineering 2012
Manufacturing of powder-based products is a focus of increasing research in the recent years. The main reason is the lack of predictive process models connecting process parameters and material properties to product quality attributes. Moreover, the trend towards continuous manufacturing…
AAPS PharmSciTech 2012
A combination of analytical and statistical methods is used to improve a tablet coating process guided by quality by design (QbD) principles. A solid dosage form product was found to intermittently exhibit bad taste. A suspected cause was the variability…
Computers & Chemical Engineering 2012
This paper presents a new approach for performing feasibility analysis over a multivariate factor space when the explicit form of a process model is lacking or when its evaluation is expensive. Specifically, two issues are addressed: feasibility evaluation of black-box…
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2012
The application of computationally inexpensive modeling methods for a predictive study of powder mixing is discussed. A multidimensional population balance model is formulated to track the evolution of the distribution of a mixture of particle populations with respect to position…
Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research 2011
In many pharmaceutical process operations, first-principle models describing the behavior of the processed powders are difficult to derive or computationally very expensive and thus can be considered as “black-box” processes. Kriging is an efficient data-driven methodology that has been shown…