Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
Computers & Chemical Engineering 2019
Optimization using data from complex simulations has become an attractive decision-making option, due to ability to embed high-fidelity, non-linear understanding of processes within the search for optimal values. Due to lack of tractable algebraic equations, the link between simulations and…
Optimization Letters 2019
Optimization of simulation-based or data-driven systems is a challenging task, which has attracted significant attention in the recent literature. A very efficient approach for optimizing systems without analytical expressions is through fitting surrogate models. Due to their increased flexibility, nonlinear…
AIChE Journal 2019
Having the ability to analyze, simulate and optimize complex systems is becoming more important in all engineering disciplines. Decision-making using complex systems usually leads to nonlinear optimization problems, which rely on computationally expensive simulations. Therefore, it is often challenging to…
Journal of Global Optimization 2018
A surrogate-based optimization method is presented, which aims to locate the global optimum of box-constrained problems using input–output data. The method starts with a global search of the n-dimensional space, using a Smolyak (Sparse) grid which is constructed using Chebyshev extrema…
Computers & Chemical Engineering 2018
This work presents recent advances within the AlgoRithms for Global Optimization of coNstrAined grey-box compUTational problems (ARGONAUT) framework, developed for optimization of systems which lack analytical forms and derivatives. A new parallel version of ARGONAUT (p-ARGONAUT) is introduced to solve…