Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
2015 AIChE Annual Conference in Salon F (Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek)
November 11, 2015 at 12.55
The use of deterministic global optimization methods based on analytical C2 functions is prohibitive in a large portion of engineering applications which have one or multiple of the following characteristics: (a) high computational cost which implies that the calculation of derivatives…
World Congress on Global Optimization 2015 in Gainesville, Florida
February 24, 2015
Grey-box global optimization refers to problems for which derivatives of the objective function and/or constraints of the original model are not directly employed for obtaining the global optimum. In typical applications of grey-box optimization, derivative information is either: (1) available…
2014 AIChE Annual Meeting in Atlanta
November 19, 2014
Constrained grey-box optimization methods do not employ derivative information of the objective function and/or constraints of the original model for obtaining the global optimum. In typical applications of the above methods, derivative information may be available but deceptive or prohibitively…
2014 AIChE Annual Meeting in Atlanta
November 20, 2014
In the last twenty years, the petrochemical industry has succeeded by creating markets and supplying them with suitable products used to create goods such as plastics, cosmetics, lubricants, and paints. Petrochemical production begins in a refinery that separates crude oils…
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting in San Fransisco
November 08, 2013
CO2 capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is an enabling technology toward reducing CO2 emissions from stationary sources which include power plants, cement production plants, iron and steel plants, refineries, petrochemicals and gas processing plants. More than 60% of the total…