Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
AIChE Journal 2016
In this work we develop a novel modeling and global optimization-based planning formulation, which predicts product yields and properties for all of the production units within a highly integrated refinery-petrochemical complex. Distillation is modeled using swing-cut theory, while data-based nonlinear…
European Journal of Operational Research 2015
This manuscript reviews recent advances in deterministic global optimization for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), as well as Constrained Derivative-Free Optimization (CDFO). This work provides a comprehensive and detailed literature review in terms of significant theoretical contributions, algorithmic developments, software implementations…
Journal of Global Optimization 2015
Computers and Chemical Engineering 2015
We present a multi-scale framework for the optimal design of CO2 capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) supply chain network to minimize the cost while reducing stationary CO2 emissions in the United States. We also design a novel CO2 capture and…
Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research 2014
We design a CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS) supply chain network with minimum cost to reduce stationary CO2 emissions and their adverse environmental impacts in the United States. While doing so, we consider simultaneous selection of source plants, capture…