Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
Data-driven Process Systems Engineering Lab
Relevant Publications
Computers & Chemical Engineering 2020
Simulation-based optimization using surrogate models enables decision-making through the exchange of data from high-fidelity models and development of approximations. Many chemical engineering optimization problems, such as process design and synthesis, rely on simulations and contain both discrete and continuous decision…
Optimization Letters 2019
Optimization of simulation-based or data-driven systems is a challenging task, which has attracted significant attention in the recent literature. A very efficient approach for optimizing systems without analytical expressions is through fitting surrogate models. Due to their increased flexibility, nonlinear…
AIChE Journal 2019
Having the ability to analyze, simulate and optimize complex systems is becoming more important in all engineering disciplines. Decision-making using complex systems usually leads to nonlinear optimization problems, which rely on computationally expensive simulations. Therefore, it is often challenging to…
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2018
Data-analytics is becoming a very influential tool for decision-making today both in industry and academia. The incorporation of data-driven concepts in the core chemical engineering curriculum would be very beneficial to our graduates, making them competitive in today’s market. The…
Journal of Pharmaceutical Information 2013
Simulation-based optimization is a research area that is currently attracting a lot of attention in many industrial applications, where expensive simulators are used to approximate, design, and optimize real systems. Pharmaceuticals are typical examples of high-cost products which involve expensive…
Relevant Presentations
2015 AIChE Annual Meeting in Exhibit Hall 1 (Salt Palace Convention Center)
November 08, 2015
As an engineering community we have been working towards developing detailed mathematical simulation models which accurately capture the behavior of complex systems. This trend is reinforced by our drive to couple multiscale information which ranges from the atomistic and molecular…
2015 AIChE Annual Conference in Salon F (Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek)
November 11, 2015 at 12.55
The use of deterministic global optimization methods based on analytical C2 functions is prohibitive in a large portion of engineering applications which have one or multiple of the following characteristics: (a) high computational cost which implies that the calculation of derivatives…
2014 AIChE Annual Meeting in Atlanta
November 20, 2014
In the last twenty years, the petrochemical industry has succeeded by creating markets and supplying them with suitable products used to create goods such as plastics, cosmetics, lubricants, and paints. Petrochemical production begins in a refinery that separates crude oils…
2012 AIChE Annual Conference in Pittsburgh
October 29, 2012
FDA harmonization guidelines [1] aim to promote building quality into design of pharmaceutical processes through mechanistic understanding of powder process behavior. Based on this paradigm, the industry is moving with a fast pace towards a model-based process and product design,…
2012 AIChE Annual Conference in Pittsburgh
October 31, 2012
AIChE Annual Meeting in Minneapolis
October 20, 2011
In this work, a set of Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations are performed based on a computer experimental design for the qualitative and quantitative characterization of a periodic section of a powder blender. Mixing of powders is a crucial operation…
AIChE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City
November 11, 2010
In emergent technologies it is very common that a functional form for the input-output relationships is unavailable and the process behavior is symbolically described using black-box models. This is the case for many pharmaceutical process operations, for which first-principles models…
AIChE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City
November 08, 2010
The identification and graphical representation of process design space is very critical in locating not only feasible but also optimum operating variable ranges and design configurations. Design space of a process is the area of the parametric space within which…
2009 AIChE Annual Meeting in Nashville
November 12, 2009
Current trends in pharmaceutical product development focus on the fundamental understanding and characterization of all process unit operations, which will lead to the development of predictive models in order to minimize the variability in product performance. The pharmaceutical industry is…