Optimization Letters 2017 Best Paper Award

Atlanta, GA

December 05, 2018

Fani won the 2017 Best Paper Award in Optimization Letters for her paper on the ARGONAUT algorithm for global optimization of grey-box problems. The OPTL Best Paper Award carries a 500 USD prize. The co-author of this paper is the…

Data-Driven PSE lab at INFORMS

Phoenix, AZ

November 04, 2018

Dr. Boukouvala gave a talk at the Annual Informs meeting in Phoenix. The talk focused on recent advances of the lab on data-driven optimization concepts and algorithms.

Data-Driven PSE lab at AIChE

Pittsburgh, PA

November 01, 2018

Jackie and Sophie successfully gave their first talks at AIChE conference. Jackie presented her work on "Spatial Branch-and-bound (sBB) Algorithm for Surrogate-based Optimization" and Sophie presented her work on "Optimization of Data-Dependent Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Problems".

Welcoming a new member

Atlanta, GA

September 10, 2018

Jinhyeun has joined the Data-Driven PSE lab. Jinhyeun obtained his bachelor’s degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from Yonsei University in 2016. Before joining Georgia Tech, he got his master’s degree from Texas A&M University in 2017. Welcome Jinhyeun!

Boukouvala group funded by NSF

Altanta, GA

September 01, 2018

The Boukouvala group was awarded $300,000 by the NSF to develop new optimization algorithms for data-dependent systems. This new class of algorithms aims to identify optimal solutions to complex design problems, using a combination of data analysis and mathematical programming. The work will envolve…